Index of Topics
[9] Introduction to Early Music / Historically Informed Performance
Instruments / General Information
Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Viola da Gamba, Lute, Guitar
Music / Intabulations
Historical Music Theory / Further Reading
[11] Introduction to Gamut Workshop Instruments
Instruments for Sale
Gamut Workshop Instrument Showcase
[15] Miscellaneous
[16] Organizations
[17] Publications
[1] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What Are Those Little Black Squares That Came With My String?
Not seeing an answer to your question? Contact us:
[2] Introduction to Gamut Gut Strings
Making Gut Strings - History and technique
An Introduction to Strings - Part 1
Calculating String Diameters - Part 2
Care and Cleaning of Gut Strings - Maintenance, solvents, and removing rosin
New Tools, Old Ways Help Duluth Violin Builder Create an Ancient Sound - Dan Gunderson. MPR News, Wander & Wonder, January 13, 2025
[Video] Making It Up North: Making It Musical - Dan Larson & Gamut Music - PBS WDSE/WRPT
[Video] In the Workshop: Beef Gut Splitting - Part 1
[Video] In the Workshop: Beef Gut Splitting - Part 2
[Video] In the Workshop: Beef Gut Splitting - Part 3
[Video] In the Workshop: Beef Gut Splitting - Part 4
[4] String Calculator, Lengths, Gauges & Tensions
[5] Gamut String Types
Academie Strings - Sheep and beef gut strings designed for historical performance practice (a=415)
Tricolore Strings - Violin and viola gut strings for modern performance practice (a=440)
Red Diamond Bass Strings - Gut double bass strings for modern performance (a=440)
Sheep Gut - Treble gut for high and mid-range strings of most small instruments
Treble Gut - Another variety of treble gut made from cattle which has a higher tensile strength than does sheep gut
Lyon Gut - Top strings on larger instruments like cellos and basses, mid-range and low strings on other instruments
Pistoy Gut - Mid-range and low strings on most instruments
Wound Strings - Low strings with copper, silver, copper/silver, or silverplate on most instruments
Gimped Gut - Mid-range and low strings on most instruments
Diapason Gut - Long lengths of gut for archlutes, theorbos, lautenwercks, etc.
Fret Gut - Made of beef serosa for tying frets onto historical instruments, such as lutes and viols
Tail Gut - Made of beef serosa used to attach the tailpiece onto the instruments of the violin family and some viols
Double-Length Strings - Two usable string lengths for the Violin e-1 and a-2, Viola a-1, and Treble Viol d-1 and a-2
Nylon Strings - DuPont Tynex® 612 nylon strings perfectly rectified with a high polish
Custom Gauged Strings - String gauges that extend beyond our standard Light to Heavy+ offerings
[6] Gamut String Options
Knotted Ends - Tying string knots — this option is being discontinued
Leather Washer - An explanation of leather washers
Varnish - The advantage of varnished strings
How Does Varnish Effect Gut Strings? - Tone, durability, and playability
Wound Strings: Underlayer vs. No Underlayer - A silk buffer between the gut core and the wire winding
Double Bass String Re-Wind - For metal-wound Academie and Red Diamond strings
What Are Those Little Black Squares That Came With My String??
[7] Tying Gamut Strings / Changing Strings
[Video] How to Stop Breaking Strings! - Brandon Acker
[Video] How Does One Properly Install a String? - Givens Violins
[Spanish] [Video] Luthier Profesional Enseña Cómo Cambiar las Cuerdas de Guitarra de Nylon Fácil - Guitarraviva
[Video] How to Tie Gut Strings for the Baroque Violin - Andrew Hatfield
[Video] How to Tie More Baroque Gut String Knots - Andrew Hatfield
[Video] Changing Gut Strings - Maite Iglesias
[Video] Tying Lute Frets - Martin Shepherd
[Video] Changing Strings On a Baroque Guitar - Ryan Closs
[Video] String a Lute - Martin Shepherd
[Video] Fret Tying - Travis Carey
[8] Playing Natural Gut Strings
Tips for Adapting to the Playing of Open Gut Strings - Guy Weddle
A System of Intonation - Guy Weddle
The Third Finger In Violin Playing - Guy Weddle
How to Play a Baroque Cello: Gut Strings (Part 1) - Guy Fishman
How to Play a Baroque Cello: Gut Strings (Part 2) - Guy Fishman
Violin ‘E’ String: Steel vs. Gut - Adam Guggemos
[Video] An Inside Scoop on the History of Gut Strings - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
[Video] Introducing: Gut Strings - Brandon Acker
[Video] How to Keep Gut Strings in Tune! - Andrew Hatfield
[Video] Can You Hear the Difference Between GUT and METAL Frets? - Brandon Acker
[Video] What Strings to Use for Playing Jazz Bass - Matt Rybicki (gut strings at 20:50)
[Video] Traditional Gut Strings vs. Modern Steel Strings - Tanya Tomkins, Cellist
[Video] Re-Stringing Baroque Cello Using Gut Strings, How to Play on Gut Strings - Emily Plays Cello
[Video] Playing on Gut Strings - Bow Warm-Ups - Emily Plays Cello
[Video] How I Play the Double Bass: 5 False Myths About Gut Strings - Severiano Paoli
[Video] Gut Strings or Metal-Wound Strings? - Edmond Chan
[Video] Gut String Maintenance Tips, Playing on Baroque/Period Instruments - Emily Davidson (almond oil; olive oil not recommended)
Playing With Gut Strings and a Period Bow Refines Your Awareness of Sound - The Strad Magazine, March 2015
Baroque Bow Basics with Tafelmusik’s Tricia Ahern -, April 2016
French Cellist Bruno Philippe on the Attraction of Gut Strings - The Strad Magazine, February 2019
Baroque Violinist Amandine Beyer On The Pros & Cons of Violin Gut Strings - The Violin Channel, September 2019
How to Play on Gut Strings For the First Time - The Strad Magazine, May 2021
Beyond Bach: 12 Tips for Better Baroque Playing - The Strad Magazine, July 2021
[Podcast] Benjamin Baker’s Insights on Gut Versus Steel Strings - The Strad Podcast, July 2021
9 Thoughts About Playing On Gut Strings - The Strad Magazine, August 2021
Gut Strings Feel Honest and Dirtier Than the Brilliance of Metal Strings - Consone Quartet. The Strad Magazine, September 2021
Making Matters: Historically Informed? - The Strad Magazine, May 2022
A Gut Feeling About This – Meet Cellist Jason Calloway - The Cello Museum, May 2023
Playing a Baroque Violin - Ed Pearlman, November 2023
Double Bass Dispatch: A Beginner’s Guide for Switching to Gut Strings - Michael T. Geib, January 2025
[9] Introduction to Early Music / Historically Informed Performance Practice
What is Early Music? - Todd M. McComb. Early Music FAQ
Tuning the World: Pitch Lessons for the History of Music Theory - History of Music Theory
History of Pitch - Capion Larsen
[Wiki] Circle of Fifths
Early Music History, Listening, and Appreciation -
European Medieval and Renaissance Early Music FAQ - Edited by Todd M. McComb
Timeline of Musical Styles & Guitar History -
A Guide to Medieval Music (until 1400) - BBC Music Magazine
A Guide to Renaissance Music (1400-1600) - BBC Music Magazine
A Guide to Baroque Music (1600-1750) - BBC Music Magazine
[Video] What is Historically Informed Performance - HIP? - Toronto Bach Festival
[Video] What is Performance Practice? Informed & Historical Performing Explained - Madelaine Jones
[Video] What is Historically Informed Performance? - Daniel Adam Maltz
[Video] 5 Things to Know About Historical Performance Practice / Playing Baroque Music - Emily Plays Cello
[Video] Mapping a Polycentric History of Renaissance Sound - Victor Coelho / Yale University
[Video] Tuning and Temperaments in the Renaissance - Part 1 and Part 2 - Early Music Sources
[Video] Sir Thomas Beecham Talks About Historically Informed Performance (1959) - eschscholzia
[Video] Baroque Pitch vs. Standard Pitch - John Moraitis
[Video] Historical Pitch?? - Early Music Sources
[Video] The Dark History of Perfect Pitch - Metta Beshay
[Video] The History of Musical Pitch - Music Matters
The History of Musical Pitch - Alexander J. Ellis. Nature, vol. 21, pp. 550-554, 1880
[PDF] A Brief History of the Establishment of International Standard Pitch a=440 Hertz - Lynn Cavanagh. Self-published, 1999
Baroque String Playing for Ingenious Learners - Judy Tarling. Punnett Press, 2001
A History of Performing Pitch: The Story of “A” - Bruce Haynes. Scarecrow Press, 2002
Tuning the World: The Rise of 440 Hertz in Music, Science, and Politics 1859-1955 - Fanny Gribenski. The University of Chicago Press, 2023
Instruments / General Information
[Video] Baroque Music - Equipment - David Watkin
[Video] Baroque String Instruments - Tafelmusik
[Video] Baroque Basics with Claire Duff: Part 1-4 - Irish Baroque Orchestra
[Video] About Baroque String Instruments (Violin, Viola, Cello): The Difference Between Baroque and Modern - Emily Plays Cello
[Video] The Benedetti Foundation: Discover Baroque Video Series - David Watkin, Nicola Benedetti, and Sarah McMahon
[Video] Playing Baroque Style on Modern Instruments - Emily Plays Cello
[Video] What Did Bach Mean by “Violone?” - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Feeling HIP? Get to Know the Baroque String Instruments - John Tamilio III, Ph.D. Handel + Haydn Society
Anatomy of a Violin - Darcy McGilvray. (Generously recommended by the students of the Centerline Arts Group Children's Music Program)
The Baroque Violin – More Than Catgut Strings - Corilon Violins
Early Music Instrument Database - Dr. Ross W. Duffin. Case Western Reserve University
Anatomy of the Violin - The Instrument Place
Anatomy of the Viola - The Instrument Place
Anatomy of the Cello - The Instrument Place
Anatomy of the String Bass - The Instrument Place
[Video] Introducing the Baroque Violin - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
[Video] Meet the Orchestra: Baroque Violin - Irish Baroque Orchestra
[Video] Introducing the Piccolo Violin - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
[Video] The Baroque Violin and Bow - Netherlands Bach Society
[Video] The Baroque Violin and the Modern Violin: Similar, but Very Different - BaroqueBand
[Video] Introducing the Baroque Violin Bow - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
[Video] Holding the Baroque Violin, Part 1: Sources, Paintings, and Treatises - Irish Baroque Orchestra
[Video] Holding the Baroque Violin, Part 2: The Practical Aspect - Irish Baroque Orchestra
[Video] Interview with Rainier Guerrero Alvarez: Baroque Violin - Maisie Productions
The Art of Playing on the Violin, Containing All the Rules Necessary to Attain to a Perfection on That Instrument, With Great Variety of Compositions, Which Will Also Be Very Useful to Those Who Study the Violoncello, Harpsichord, &c. - Francesco Geminiani. Self-published/London, 1751
[German] Versuch Einer Gründlichen Violinschule (Attempt at a Thorough Violin School) - Leopold Mozart. Johann Jacob Lotter/Augsburg, 1756
Louis Spohr’s Celebrated Violin School - Louis Spohr (translated by John Bishop). Robert Cocks & Co./London, 1843
A Complaint of the Decay of the Violin Solos - Marion M. Scott. Music & Letters, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 330-343, 1925
The Creation of the Violin and its Consequences - Maurice Emmanuel and G. R. The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 509-515, 1937
Violin Intonation in the 18th Century - J. Murray Barbour. Journal of the American Musicological Society, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 224-234, 1952
Traditional Fiddling - Marion Unger Thede. Ethnomusicology, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 19-24, 1962
Vedel and Geige – Fiddle and Viol: German String Traditions in the Fifteenth Century - Keith Polk. Journal of the American Musicological Society, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 504-546, 1989
The Violino Piccolo and Other Small Violins - Margaret Downie Banks. Early Music, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 588-596, 1990
Violin Intonation: A Historical Survey - Patrizio Barbieri and Sandra Mangsen. Early Music, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 69-88, 1991
[PDF] Violin Playing in Late Seventeenth-Century England: Baltzar, Matteis, and Purcell - Mary Cyr. Performance Practice Review, Vol. 8, No. 1, Article 5, 1995
Studying Folk Violin Playing to Recover Early Music Performance Practices - Prof. Zbigniew J. Przerembski. Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca, 2001
[PDF] Early Twentieth-Century Discourses of Violin Playing - Stefan Knapik. Magdalen College, Oxford, 2011
Traditions of Baroque Violin Playing - Divided Into Seven Parts - Richard Gwilt and Irmgard Schaller., 2011
[PDF] Review: “Before the Chinrest: A Violinist’s Guide to the Mysteries of Pre-Chinrest Technique and Style” by Stanley Ritchie - Stewart Pollens. Performance Practice Review, Vol. 18, No. 1, Article 6, 2013
Unravelling the Influential Franco-Belgian Violin and Organ Schools: Part 1 - Guy Francis. Interlude, December 2017
Unravelling the Influential Franco-Belgian Violin and Organ Schools: Part 2 - Guy Francis. Interlude, January 2018
[PDF] The Influence of Chinese Instruments on the Violin: A Practice Guide of Three Violin Techniques - Jie Gao, B.A, M.M. University of North Texas, 2017
The Plague and the Violin - Corey Hugh Highberg., July 29, 2020
A Timeline History of the Violin Bow – From c. 1600-1800: Timeline, Development, Technique, Traditions - Richard Gwilt, 2020
A Cultural History of the Violin in Nineteenth-Century London – From Instrument to Art - Tom Wilder. Boydell & Brewer, 2025
[Video] Introducing the Baroque Viola - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
[Video] Meet the Orchestra: Baroque Viola - Irish Baroque Orchestra
[Video] Interview with Alexandra Brown: Baroque Viola - Maisie Productions
Das Viola-Konzert vor 1840 (The Viola Concerto Before 1840) - Ulrich Drüner. Fontes Artis Musicae, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 153-176, 1981
Cello / Cello da Spalla
[Video] Introducing the Baroque Cello - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
[Video] Meet the Orchestra: Cello - Irish Baroque Orchestra
[Video] Introducing the Violoncello da Spalla - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
[Video] Interview with Arthur Cambreling: Baroque Cello - Maisie Productions
Viola Pomposa and Violoncello Piccolo - F. W. Galpin. Music & Letters, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 354-364, 1931
A Proposito del Violoncello Piccolo di Bach, (About Bach’s Piccolo Cello) - Gustavo Boringhieri. Rivista Italiana di Musicologia, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 113-131, 1973
[PDF] The Baroque Cello and Its Performance - Marc Vanscheeuwijck. Performance Practice Review, Vol. 9, No. 1, Article 7, 1996
Baroque Dance and the Bach Cello Suites - Tim Janof. CelloBello, November 2002
The Violoncello, Viola da Spalla and Viola Pomposa in Theory and Practice - Dmitry Badiarov. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 60, pp. 121-145, April 2007
Recent Re-Evaluations of the Baroque Cello and What They Might Mean for Performing the Music of J. S. Bach - Marc Vanscheeuwijck. Early Music, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 181-192, 2010
Violoncello da Spalla – Story of a Rediscovery - Dmitry Badiarov. The Strad Magazine, December 18, 2013
Da Spalla or da Gamba? Early Cello in Northern Italian Repertoire, 1650-95 - Alessandro Sanguineti. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 69, pp. 99-108, 158, April 2016
Schools of Cello Playing: Germany - Janet Horvath. Interlude, August 2018
Schools of Cello Playing: France - Janet Horvath. Interlude, August 2018
Schools of Cello Playing: Russia and Armenia - Janet Horvath. Interlude, August 2018
The Violoncello Piccolo is the Violoncello da Spalla is the Viola Pomposa? - Bernard Labadie. Orchestra of St. Luke’s, 2020
An Approach to Romantic Cello Playing in Brahms’ Time - Maria Cadenas Rodriguez. Royal Conservatory, The Hague, 2020
The Violoncello da Spalla, a 21st-Century Aberration? - Daniela Gaidano & A. Visintini. February 26, 2021
The Early History of the Cello in Naples: Giovanni Bononcini, Rocco Greco, and Gaetano Francone in a Forgotten Manuscript Collection - Guido Olivieri. Cambridge University Press, 2021
Double Bass (Contrabass)
[Video] Introducing the Baroque Double Bass - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
[Video] Meet the Orchestra: Double Bass - Irish Baroque Orchestra
[Video] Interview with Nathanaël Malnoury: Baroque Double Bass - Maisie Productions
Tuning In FifthsFifths Tuning - Salvio Dalla Torre.
The Latest About the Bass In Fifths - Silvio Dalla Torre.
The Fifths System of Tuning Through the Ages - Paul Brün.
Playing the Bass In Fifths - Joel Quarrington.
A Compelling Case for Fifths Tuning - Don Quartz.
Taking the Fifth: How Tuning In Fifths Changed My Experience Playing the Double Bass - Dennis Masuzzo.
The Double Bass Tuned In Fifths: Demanded by the Orchestral Repertoire, Allowed by Modern Technology, and Facilitated by Current Bass Pedagogy - Matthew Perrin.
Violoncello and Double Bass in the Chamber Music of Haydn and His Viennese Contemporaries, 1750-1780 - James Webster. Journal of the American Musicological Society, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 413-438, 1976
The Double Bass as a Solo Instrument in Early Jazz - David Chevan. The Black Perspective in Music, Vol. 17, No. 1/2, pp. 73-92, 1989
Historical and Practical Considerations for the Tuning of Double Bass Instruments in Fourths - David Chapman. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 56, pp. 224-233, 2003
[PDF] Red Mitchell: Tuning in Fifths and the Walking Bass Line - Stephen Thomas Bright. York University, Toronto, 2013
A Sociomaterial History of the Double Bass(ist), 1760-1890 - Shanti Nachtergaele. McGill University, July 2024
Viola da Gamba / Viols
[Video] Introducing: The Viola da Gamba - Brandon Acker and Craig Trompeter
[Video] The Viola da Gamba - Netherlands Bach Society
[Video] The Viola da Gamba and the Cello: Musical Cousins - BaroqueBand
[Video] Introducing the Viola da Gamba - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
[Video] Holding the Bass Viol, Part 1 - Alison Crum
[Video] Holding the Bass Viol, Part 2 - Alison Crum
[Video] Transposing Between the Viola da Gamba and Cello - Tafelmusik
The English Viol Consort in the Tudor Era - Brian Robins. Early Music World
Viola da Gamba: History, Characteristics, and Influence -
[Early Modern English] The Compleat Violist, or, An Introduction to Ye Art of Playing On Ye Bass Viol Wherein the Necessary Rules & Directions Are Laid Down in a Plain & Familiar Method. With a Collection of the Psalm Tunes Set to the Viol, As They Are Now In Use In the Churches Where There Are Organs. To Which Are Added Some Select Aires & Tunes, Set According to Ye Divers Manners of Playing by the G Sol Re Ut Cliff, the C Sol Fa Ut Cliff, & Ye Fa Ut Cliff, Also Several Lessons, Viz. Almans, Sarabands, Courants, Iiggs, &c. - Benjamin Hely. Printed & Sould by I. Hare, Musical Instrument Maker At Ye Golden Viol in St. Paules Church-Yard, and At His Shop in Freemans-Yard in Cornhill Near the Royall-Exchainge; Also Sold by B. Norman Instrument Maker At Ye Bass Viol in St. Paul's Alley/London, c. 1700
The Viola da Gamba - E. J. Payne. Proceedings of the Musical Association, 15th Session, pp. 91-107, 1888
The Viols in England - Jeffrey Pulver. Proceedings of the Musical Association, 47th Session, pp. 1-21, 1920
An Introduction to Renaissance Viols - Ian Harwood. Early Music, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 234-246, 1974
Il Repertorio Italiano Della Viola da Gamba Dopo il 1640: Delimitazione e Censimento (The Italian Viola da Gamba Repertoire After 160: Delimitation and Census) - Bettina Hoffmann. Rivista Italiana di Musicologia, No. 47, pp. 82-123, 2012
The Viol - Elizabeth Weinfield. Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, Metropolitan Museum of Art/New York, 2014
The Story of the Viol - James Jacobs. WETA – Classical Score, July, 2023
Viola d’Amore
[Video] Introducing the Viola d’Amore - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
[Video] An Introduction to the Viola d’Amore - Academy of Ancient Music
Ariosti’s Lessons for Viola d’Amore - David D. Boyden. The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 545-563, 1946
The Viola d’Amore - Harry Danks. Music & Letters, vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 14-20, 1957
Viola d’Amore: The Violin With Extras - Maureen Buja. Interlude, July 2024
Lute (Renaissance, Baroque)
[Video] Lute History - An Introduction - Martin Shepherd
[Video] What is a Lute? - Aria Rita Music History
[Video] Introducing: The Renaissance Lute - Brandon Acker
[Video] Introducing: The Baroque Lute - Brandon Acker
[Video] Lute 101 with Nigel North - WFMT
[Video] Revealed: The Secrets of the Lute! - Aria Rita Music History
[Video] Luteshop’s Top Tips: Plucking Strings - Martin Shepherd
[Video] Luteshop’s Top Tips: Tuning - Martin Shepherd
[Video] How to Hold the Lute - Martin Shepherd
[Video] Tuning and Turning the Pegs Efficiently - Alison Crum
[Video] How Long Does It Really Take to Tune a Lute? - Brandon Acker
[Video] Lute Lesson 101: How to Tune a Renaissance Lute - Kenneth Kam
[Video] The Fundamentals of Lute Playing, Episodes 1-50 - Laudon Schuett
[Video] Lute Lessions: 1-9 - LuteDuo
[Video] Intermediate [Lute] Lessons by Lynda Sayce for Dowland John Smith’s Almain - The Lute Society - UK
Thinking of Taking Up the Lute? - The Lute Society - UK
[PDF] Lute Society of America – Beginner’s Guide to the Renaissance Lute
[PDF] Introduction to the Renaissance Lute for Guitar Players - Rob MacKillop
51 Lute Lessons for Beginners - Lynda Sayce. The Lute Society - UK
Beginner’s Lute Tutorial - Elizabeth Pallett. Luteweb
Is Your Lute Set Up Well? - Lynda Sayce. The Lute Society - UK
Lute Tuning Table - Matthew Leigh Embleton. The Lute Society - UK
How to Tune Your Lute #1 - Lynda Sayce. The Lute Society - UK
How to Tune Your Lute #2 - Lynda Sayce. The Lute Society - UK
Meet the Lute: Sections 1-18 - Walter Bitner - Off the Podium
[Latin] Capirola Lutebook - Vincenzo Capirola; Vitale (editor). Venice, c. 1520
Lute Music of the XVIth and XVIIth Centuries - Janet Dodge. Proceedings of the Music Association, 34th Sess., pp. 123-153, 1907
English Lute Music of the Golden Age - Richard Newton. Proceedings of the Music Association, 65th Sess., pp. 63-90, 1938
The Lute and Musick’s Monument - Donald Gill. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 9-11, 1950
English Lute Music, 1540-1620: An Introduction - David Lumsden. Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, 83rd Sess., pp. 1-13, 1956
Miss Mary Burwell’s Instruction Book for the Lute - Thurston Dart. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 11, pp. 3-62, 1958
Recent Research on Lute Music - Frederick W. Sternfeld. Music & Letters, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 139-142, Oxford University Press, 1958
On Playing the Lute - Julian Bream and J. M. Thomson. Early Music, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 348-351, 1975
French Lutenists and French Lute Music in Sweden - Kenneth Sparr. Le Luth es sa Musique II, pp. 59-67, 1984
[PDF] Conrad Paumann and the Evolution of Solo Lute Practice in the Fifteenth Century - Hiroyuki Minamino. Journal of Musicological Research, Vol. 6, pp. 291-310, 1986
[Amazon] A Tutor for Renaissance Lute: Complete Beginner to Advanced Student - Diana Poulton. Schott, 1991
[PDF] The Role of the Lute in Sixteenth-Century Consorts: Evidence From Terzi’s Intabulations - Suzanne Court. Performance Practice Review, Vol. 8, No. 2, Article 3, 1995
The Improved Cittern – Printed and Manuscript Music for the Swedish Lute - Kenneth Sparr. Self-published, 1998
Lutenists at the Royal Court of King Gustavus I of Sweden - Kenneth Sparr. Self-published, 1998
[Amazon] Performing Baroque Music on the Lute & Theorbo: A Practical Handbook Based on Historical Sources - Peter Croton. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016
[Dutch] The Southern Netherlands and the Lute Music (13th-18th Centuries) - Dr. Godelieve Spiessens. Self-published/Antwerp, 2018
Guitar (Classical, Baroque) / Vihuela
[Video] Introducing: The Baroque Guitar - Brandon Acker
[Video] Introducing the Baroque Guitar - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
[Video] The History of Guitar - Rob Scallon and Brandon Acker
[Video] What Guitars Were Like 400 Years Ago - Rob Scallon and Brandon Acker
[Video] The First Guitar - The Birth of the Six-string Guitar (The Romantic Guitar) - Polivios Music
[Video] Classical Guitar Myths Debunked! - Brandon Acker
[Video] Renaissance Lute vs. Classical Guitar - Brandon Acker
[Video] How to Tune Your Guitar Like a Lute - Brandon Acker
[Video] Secrets to Improvising on Guitar and Lute (Feat. Bor Zuljan) - Brandon Acker
[Video] Nails vs. No Nails - Which is Louder on Guitar? - Brandon Acker
A Brief History of the Guitar - Paul Guy
Baroque Guitar Research - Compiled by Monica Hall
Early Romantic Guitar Information - Compiled by Len Verrett
Instructions for the Baroque Guitar - Monica Hall. The Lute Society - UK
[Modern French] Premier Livre de Tabulature de Guiterre, Contenant Plusieurs Chansons, Fantasies, Pavanes, Gaillardes, Almandes, Branles, Tant Simples Qu’autres le Tout Composé (First Book of Guiterre Tabulature, Containing Several Songs, Fantasies, Pavanes, Gaillardes, Almandes, Branles, Both Simple and Others, All Composed) - Adrian le Roy. From the printing press, by Adrian le Roy & Robert Ballard, rue Saint Lean de Beauuais, under the sign Sainte Geneuieue/Paris, September 12, 1551
[Modern French] Second Livre de Guiterre, Contenant Plusieurs Chansons en Forme de Voix de Ville Nouvellement Remises en Tabulature (Second Guitar Book, Containing Several Songs in the Form of City Voices Newly Retabulated) - Adrian le Roy. From the printing press, by Adrian le Roy & Robert Ballard, rue Saint Lean de Beauuais, under the sign Sainte Geneuieue/Paris, 1552
[Modern French] Tiers Livre de Tabulature de Guiterre, Contenant Plusieurs Préludes, Chansons, Basse-Dances, Tourdions, Pavanes, Gaillardes, Almandes, Bransles, Tant Doubles que Simples (Third Book of Guiterre Tabulature, Containing Several Preludes, Songs, Bass-Dances, Tourdions, Pavanes, Gaillardes, Almandes, Bransles, Both Double and Simple) - Adrian le Roy. Adrian le Roy. From the printing press, by Adrian le Roy & Robert Ballard, rue Saint Lean de Beauuais, under the sign Sainte Geneuieue/Paris, 1552
Recueil des Pieces de Guitare Composées par Mr. François Le Cocq (Collection of Pieces for Guitar Composed by Mr. François Le Cocq) - François Le Cocq (translated by Mary Woodward). Bibliothèque du Conservatoir Royal de Musique/Brussels, 1729
The Tuning of the Five-Course Guitar - Sylvia Murphy. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 23, pp. 49-63, 1970
The Stringing of the Five Course Baroque Guitar - Donald Gill. Early Music, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 370-371, 1975
Baroque Guitar for the Modern Performer – A Practical Compromise - Don Rowe and Richard d’A Jensen. Guitar Review, #49, Fall 1981
[PDF] The Guitar in Nineteenth-Century America: A Lost Social Tradition - Peter Danner. Soundboard Scholar, 1985
[PDF] The Guitar in America as Mirrored in Cadenza (1894-1924) - Peter Danner. Soundboard Scholar, 1991
The Spanish Baroque Guitar and Seventeenth-Century Triadic Theory - Thomas Christensen. Journal of Music Theory, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 1-42, 1992
[PDF] Juan Bermudo: "On Playing the Vihuela (De Tañer Vihuela)” from Declaración de Instrumentos Musicales - Dawn Astrid Espinosa (translated, commentary). Journal of the Lute Society of America, 1995
[PDF] An Introduction to Spanish Guitar Chord Notation - M. June Yakeley and Monica Hall. The Lute Society Journal, Vol. 35, 1995
[PDF] The Guitar and its Performance From the Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries - James Tyler. Performance Practice Review, Vol. 10, No. 1, Article 6, 1997
[PDF] Guitar Performance in the Nineteenth Centuries and Twentieth Centuries - Paul Sparks. Performance Practice Review, Vol. 10, No. 1, Article 7, 1997
[PDF] The Five-Course Guitar as a Continuo Instrument - Monica Hall. Lute News,, No. 52, December 1999
[PDF] I Will Praise God With My Guitar: Jean Baptiste de Castillion – Bishop and Amateur Musician - Monica Hall. LSA Quarterly, May 2001
[PDF] Recovering a Lost Book of Guitar Music by Corbetta - Monica Hall. Consort, Vol. 61, 2005
[PDF] Francesco Corbetta’s Missing Guitar Books - Monica Hall. LSA Quarterly, September 2006
[PDF] Princess An’s Lute Book and Related English Sources of Music for the 5-Course Guitar. Monica Hall. Consort, Vol. 66, 2010
[PDF] Stringing of the 5-Course Guitar In the 17th and Early 18th Centuries - Monica Hall. Self-published, 2012
[PDF] The Guitar as an “Open-Air” Instrument in the Early Romantic Era - Panagiotis Poulopoulos. Soundboard Scholar, 2015
[Amazon] Performing Baroque Music on the Classical Guitar: A Practical Handbook Based on Historical Sources - Peter Croton. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015
[PDF] Alfabeto Songs: Guitar Accompaniment in Early Seventeenth-Century Italian and Spanish Vocal Music - Monica Hall. Consort, Vol. 72, 2016
[PDF] The Chittarra Atiorbata and the Guittare Theorbée: A Re-Appraisal - Monica Hall. Self-published, 2020
The Great Vogue for the Guitar in Western Europe 1800-1840 - Christopher Page and James Westbrook. Boydell Press, 2023
Music / Intabulations
[Video] Intabulations in the 16th and 17th Centuries - Early Music Sources
[Video] 70 Easy to Intermediate Pieces for Renaissance Lute - David van Ooijen
[Video] Spilling the Tea on Baroque: French Baroque - Tafelmusik
[Video] Spilling the Tea on Baroque: German Baroque - Tafelmusik
[Video] Spilling the Tea on Baroque: Italian Baroque - Tafelmusik
[Video] Medieval Lute Videos - KidneyKutter
[Video] Baroque Music for 11-Course Baroque Lute - KidneyKutter
[Video] Renaissance Guitar - KidneyKutter
[Video] Baroque Guitar - KidneyKutter
Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music - University of Oxford
Renaissance Music (c. 1430-1600): A Guide to Research and Resources - Princeton University Library
[English, German, French] Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) - International Inventory of Musical Sources
Early Music Online Repository - Royal Holloway University of London
Early Music Scores and Parts - Edition Zefiro
Anthologies of Musical Works From the 15th-17th Centuries in the Library of Congress Music Division - Library of Congress
Books About Music Before 1800 - Library of Congress
Accessible Lute Music -
Lute Music in Tablature Form - Compiled by Wayne Cripps - Giuseppe Tumiati, Luthier
Tree Edition Collection - Albert Reyerman’s entire collection of lute editions and facsimilies
The Story of Tree Edition - The Lute Society - UK
The Lute Online Resource Portal (LORP) - The Lute Society - UK
Lute Music Sources Database - Early Music Sources
Music for the Lute, Guitar, and Vihuela (1470-1899) - Compiled by Dr. Gary R. Boye. Nicholas Erneston Music Library, Appalachian State University
[German] - Tablatures for the lute, guitar, and other plucked instruments
Classical Guitar and Latin/South American Guitar Tablature - Dirk’s Guitar Page
Baroque Music for Classical Guitar (c. 1600-1750) - Classical Guitar Shed
[Old Middle German] [PDF] Compilation: Lautenbuch; Tabvlatura Allerley Künstlicher; Tabvlatura Guter Gemeiner Deudtscher Tentze - Mattheus Waissel. Unknown, 1592
Turpyn’s Book of Lute-Songs - Philippe Oboussier. Music & Letters, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 145-149, 1953
An Unknown Violin Tablature of the Early 17th Century - Dragan Plamenac. Papers of the American Musicological Society, pp. 144-157, 1941
Tablature Notation in the Sixteenth Century - Mary Lynn Tuck. Music Educators Journal, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 121-123, 1966
Embellishment in Early Sixteenth-Century Italian Intabulations - Howard Mayer Brown. Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, Vol. 100, pp. 49-83, 1973
[PDF] Transformation in Intabulation - Hiroyuki Minamino. New College Conference on Medieval-Renaissance Studies, University of South Florida, March 1986
[PDF] Giovanni Antonio Terzi and the Lute Intabulations of Late Sixteenth-Century Italy - Suzanne E. Court. University of Otago, 1988
[PDF] Sixteenth Century Lute Treatises With Emphasis on Process and Techniques of Intabulation - Hiroyuki Minamino. University of Chicago, 1988
Bossinensis, Willaert and Verdelot: Pitch and the Conventions of Transcribing Music for Lute and Voice in Italy in the Early Sixteenth Century - Howard Mayer Brown. Revue de Musicologie, T. 75, No. 1, pp. 25-46, Société Française de Musicologie, 1989
[Amazon] The Renaissance Guitar – Frederick Noad Guitar Anthology - Frederick Noad. Hal Leonard, 2000
[PDF] The Sacred Lute: Intabulated Chorales from Luther’s Age to the Beginnings of Pietism - Gary D. Beckman. University of Texas at Austin, 2007
[PDF] Intabulations of Music by Josquin des Prez in Lute Books Published by Pierre Phalèse, 1547-1574 - Christopher Michael Standing Bocchinfuso. University of Canterbury Music, 2009
[PDF] Mille Regretz – Chanson attrib. to Josquin Lebloitte dit des Prez c.1515: Lute Intabulation and Performance - Cynthia Sutton, 2020
[PDF] Intabulation as Process and Practice: Lute Solo Intabulation at the Beginning of the 16th Century Based on Vocal Polyphony - Asako Ueda. Royal Conservatory, The Hauge, 2021
The Process of Vihuela Intabulations of Sacred Music in 16th-Century Spain - Kateřina Maňáková. Royal Conservatory, The Hague, 2023
Historical Music Theory / Further Reading
[Latin] Secretum Philosophorum, Book V: Music - Unknown. England, c. 1300-1350
[Old Middle German] Musica Getutscht und Außgezogē Durch Sebastianū Virdūng ... un Alles Gesang Auß den Notē in die Tabulaturē Diser Benantē Dreyer Instrumentn̄ d'Orgeln un̄ der Lauten d'Flötē Transferieren zu Lernen Kürtzlich Gemacht / Sebastian Virdung (Music Written and Recorded by Sebastian Virdung … and All Singing Except the Notes Transferred to the Tablature of the Three Instruments of the Organ and the Lute and the Flute, Recently Done by Sebastian Virdung) - Sebastian Virdung. Basel, 1511
[Old Spanish] Declaración de Instrumentos Musicales (Declaration of Musical Instruments) - Juan Bermudo. Ossuna, 1555
[Modern French] Harmonie Universelle, Contenant La Theorie Et La Pratique de La Musique (Universal Harmony, Containing the Theory and Practice of Music) - Marin Mersenne. S. Cramoisy/Paris, 1636
[German] Syntagma Musicum - I: Musicae Artis Analecta, II: De Organographia, III: Termini Musicali - Michael Praetorius. Wittenberg/Wolfenbüttel, c. 1614
[Early Modern English] An Introduction to the Skill of Musick: In Three Books – The First: The Grounds and Rules of Musick, According to the Gam-ut and Other Principles Thereof; The Second: Instructions for the Bass-Viol, and Also for the Treble-Violin With Lessons for Beginners; The Third: The Art of Descant, or Composing Musick in Parts - 1st & 2nd: John Playford Philo-Musicae, 3rd: Dr. Tho. Champion with Annotations Thereon by Mr. C. Simpson. William Godbid/London, 1667
[PDF] Instrucción de Música Segundo Tratado – Documentos y Advertencias Generales Para Acompañar la Parte con la Guitarra, Arpa, Organo, o Qualquier Otro Instrumento (Music Instruction Second Treaty – Documents and General Warnings to Accompany the Part with the Guitar, Harp, Organ, or Any Other Instrument) - Gaspar Sanz (translated by Monica Hall). Zaragoza, 1674
[Early Modern English] Musick’s Monument; or, A Remembrancer of the Best Practical Musick, Both Divine and Civil, That Has Ever Been Known, to Have Been in the World. Divided Into Three Parts. The First Part, Shews a Necessity of Singing Psalms Well, in Parochial Churches, or Not to Sing at All; Directing, How They May Be Well Sung, Certainly; By Two Several Ways, or Means; With an Assurance of Perpetual National-Quire; and Also Shewing, How Cathedral Musick May be Much Improved, and Refined. The Second Part, Treats of the Noble Lute, (the Best of Instruments) Now Made Easie; and All It’s Occult-Lock’d-up-Secrets Plainly Laid Open, Never Before Discovered; Whereby It is Now Become So Familiarly Easie, as Any Instrument of Worth, Known in the World; Giving the True Reasons of Its Former Difficulties; and Proving Its Present Facility, by Undeniable Arguments; Directing the Most Ample Way, for the Use of the Theorboe, From Off the Note, in Comfort, &c. Shewing a General Way of Procuring Invention, and Playing Voluntarily, Upon the Lute, Viol, or any other Instrument; With Two Pritty Devices; the One, Shewing How to Translate Lessons, From One Tuning, or Instrument, to Another; the Other, an Indubitable Way, to Know the Best Tuning, Upon Any Instrument: Both Done by Example. In the Third Part, The Generous Viol, in Its Rightest Use, is Treated Upon; With Some Curious Observations, Never Before Handled, Concerning It, and Music in General - Thomas Mace. Printed by T. Ratcliffe, and N. Thompson, for the Author, and are to be Sold by Himself, at His House in Cambridge, and by John Carr, at His Shop in the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet Street/London, 1676
Resumen de Acompañar (Accompany Summary) - Santiago de Murcia. Madrid, 1714
Der Vollkommene Kapellmeister, Das ist Gründliche Anzeige Aller Derjenigen Sachen, die Einer Wissen, Können, und Vollkommen iInne Haben Muß, der Einer Capelle mit Ehren und Nutzen Vorstehen will: Zum Versuch Entworffen (The Perfect Bandmaster, This is a Thorough Display of All the Things That Someone Who Wants to Lead a Band with Honor and Benefit Must Knot, Be Able to Do and Have Full Control of: Designed for Experimentation) - Johann Mattheson. Christian Herold/Hamburg, 1739
On the Derivation of the Scale, Tuning, Temperament, the Monochord, &c. - Dr. Crotch. The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular, Vol. 10, No. 224, pp. 115-118, 1861
[Latin; German] Mircologues Guidonis De Disciplina Artis Musicae d.i. Kurze Abhandlung Guido's über die Regeln der Musikalischen Kunst (Guido's Micrologue on the Discipline of the Art of Music; Guido's Short Treatise on the Rules of Musical Art) - Guido of Arezzo; Michael Hermesdorff. Commissionsverlag J. B. Grach/Trier, 1876
Music a Science of Numbers - William Chappell. Proceedings of the Musical Association, 4th Session, pp. 1-12, 1877
Consecutive Fifths - F. E. Gladstone. Proceedings of the Musical Association, 8th Session, pp. 99-121, 1881
On Certain Principles of Musical Exposition Considered Educationally and With Special Reference to Current Systems of Musical Theory, Part 1 - Gerald F. Cobb. Proceedings of the Musical Association, 10th Session, pp. 125-151, 1883
On Certain Principles of Musical Exposition Considered Educationally and With Special Reference to Current Systems of Musical Theory, Part 2 - Gerald F. Cobb. Proceedings of the Musical Association, 10th Session, pp. 153-184, 1883
Musical Psychics - Gerald F. Cobb. Proceedings of the Musical Association, 11th Session, pp. 117-147, 1884
XVII Century Orchestral Instruments - Adam Carse. Music & Letters, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 334-342, 1920
The Social Condition of Violinists in France Before the Eighteenth Century - Marc Pincherle, Ottomar King. The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 193-198, 1922
Some Musical Instruction Books of the Seventeenth Century - H. C. Colles. Proceedings of the Musical Association, 55th Session, pp. 31-49, 1928
Popular Polyphony in the Middle Ages - Manfred Bukofzer. The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 31-49, 1940
The Perfect Fifth - LL. S. Lloyd. The Musical Times, Vol. 81, No. 1169, pp. 298-300, 1940
Catalogue of Early Books on Music (Before 1800) – Supplement: (Books Acquired by the Library 1913-1942), by Hazel Bartlett, Principal Cataloger, Descriptive Cataloging Division; With a List of Books on Music in Chinese and Japanese - Hazel Bartlett. Library of Congress/Washington, D.C., 1944
On Interpreting Early Music - Robert Donington. Music & Letters, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 223-241, Oxford University Press, 1947
[PDF] Source Readings in Music History: From Classical Antiquity Through the Romantic Era - Oliver Strunk. Princeton University/W. W. Norton & Co., 1950
The Violin and Its Technique in the 18th Century - David D. Boyden. The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 9-38, 1950
The “Curious” Art of John Wilson (1595-1674): An Introduction to His Songs and Lute Music - Vincent Duckles. Journal of the American Musicological Society, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 93-112, 1954
Some Speculations on a Crisis in the History of the Violin - Kenneth Skeaping. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 8, pp. 3-12, 1955
Treatise on the Ornaments of Music - Giuseppe Tartini (translated and Edited by Sol Babitz). Journal of Research in Music Education, Vol. 4, No. 2/Chicago Music Educators National Conference, 1956
Mersenne and Evolving Tonal Theory - Albion Gruber. Journal of Music Theory, Vol. No. 1, pp. 36-67, 1970
Der Brummende Violone (The Humming Violone) - Francis Baines. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 23, pp. 82-85, 1970
Diderot’s Tunings for the Violin Family - Eric Halfpenny. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 27, pp. 15-20, 1974
The Real Relationship Between Kirnberger’s and Rameau’s Concept of the Fundamental Bass - Cecil Powell Grant. Journal of Music Theory, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 324-338, 1977
Harmonic Theory in Musical Treatises of the Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries - Benito V. Rivera. Music Theory Spectrum, Vol. 1, pp. 80-95, 1979
Pythagorean Intonation and the Rise of the Triad - Mark Lindley. Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle, No. 16, pp. 4-61, 1980
[PDF] The Performance of French Baroque Music: A Report on the State of Current Research - Albert Cohen. Performance Practice Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, Article 3, 1988
[PDF] “Back to the Land”: Performance Practice and the Classic Period - Malcom S. Cole. Performance Practice Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, Article 4, 1988
Zacconi’s Viola da Braccio Tunings - Herbert W. Myers. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 51, pp. 244-247, 1998
[PDF] Saint-Saëns’ (1915) View on the Performance of Early Music - Robert Stevenson. Performance Practice Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, Article 3, 1989
“Chiavette” and Modal Transposition in Italian Practice (c. 1500-1837) - Patrizio Barbieri. Recercare, Vol. 3, pp. 5-79, 1991
[PDF] The Vibrato Controversy - Frederick Neumann. Performance Practice Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, Article 3, 1991
The Spanish Baroque Guitar and Seventeenth-Century Triadic Theory - Thomas Christensen. Journal of Music Theory, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 1-42, 1992
[PDF] Some Observations Concerning Baroque and Modern Vibrato - Frederick Kent Gable. Performance Practice Review, Vol. 5, No. 1, Article 9, 1992
Chord Structure in Medieval Music - Todd M. McComb. Early Music FAQ, 1994
Base d’Harmonie: A Scene from Eighteenth-Century French Music Theory - Cynthia M. Gessele. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, Vol. 119, No. 1, pp. 60-90, 1994
A Wider Role for the Tenor Violin? - Agnes Kory. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 47, pp. 123-153, 1994
The Name “Tenor Violin” - Ephraim Segerman. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 48, pp. 181-187, 1995
Praetorius’ Cammerthon Pitch Standard - Ephraim Segerman. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 50, pp. 81-108, 1997
Praetorius’ Pitch Standard - Herbert W. Myers. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 51, pp. 247-267, 1998
Pythagorean Tuning and Medieval Polyphony - Margo Schulter. Early Music FAQ, June 1998
On Praetorius’ Pitch Standard - Ephraim Segerman. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 53, pp. 339-344, 2000
Pitch in Viols and Harpsichords in the Renaissance - Nicholas Mitchell. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 54, pp. 97-115, 2001
A Survey of Pitch Standards Before the Nineteenth Century - Ephraim Segerman. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 54, pp. 200-218, 2001
The Use of Renaissance Vocal Polyphonic Music in the Vihuela and Lute Repertoire - Daniel Wolff. Guitar Review, No. 123, Autumn 2001
The Forgotten Art of Modulation in Renaissance Polyphony - Gaston G. Allaire. Revue Belge de Musicologie, Vol. 57, pp. 5-57, 2003
A Critical Review: Studies in Italian Sacred and Instrumental Music in the 17th Century by Stephen Bonta - Shanon P. Zusman. The Online Journal of Bass Research, Vol. 1, 2004
Music Printers and Booksellers in Rome (1583-1600) With New Documents on Coattino, Diani, Donangeli, Tornieri, and Franzini - Patrizio Barbieri and Ken F. Hurry. Recercare, Vol. 16, pp. 69-112, 2004
Between Theory and Practice: Comparative Study of Early Music Performances - Eitan Ornoy. Early Music, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 233-247, 2006
[PDF] Review “Performance on the Lute, Guitar and Vihuela: Historical Performance Practice and Interpretation” by Victor Anand Coelho - Daniel Zuluaga. Performance Practice Review, Vol. 12, No. 1, Article 7, 2007
Music-selling in Seventeenth-Century Rome: Three New Inventories from Franzini’s Bookshops 1621, 1633, 1686 - Patrizio Barbieri. Recercare, Vol. 23, No. 1/2, pp. 131-173, 2011
[Amazon] Medieval Music (The Library of Essays on Music Performance Practice) - Honey Meconi (editor). Routledge, 2011
[PDF] Sanseverino’s Alfabeto Songbook - Monica Hall. LSA Quarterly, Spring 2011
A Performer’s Guide to Seventeenth-Century Music, 2nd Ed. - Stewart Carter and Jeffrey Kite-Powell (editors). Indiana University Press, 2012
[Video] Craig Wright: Listening to Music – Development of Aural Skills in Understanding Western Music - Yale Courses, December 2012
The Music of Social Climbing: Spanish Vihuela Prints as Commonplace Books - Deborah Lawrence. The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 96, No. 1, pp. 137-167, 2013
[PDF] Instrumental Idiom in the 16th Century: Embellishment Patterns in Arrangements of Vocal Music - David Lewis, Tim Crawford, Daniel Müllensiefen. 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2016
My Historical Performance Practices - Matthew Weinman, Lutenist/Composer, 2017
Approaching Baroque Style With Modern String Players - Zachary Carrettin. Vox Humana, January 28, 2018
Keeping the Customers Satisfied: Updating Older Music in Bourbon France - Ronald Broude and Mary Cyr. The Musical Times, Vol. 160, No 1949, pp. 3-24, 2019
Time’s Arrow Flies Through 500 Years of Classical Music - Karmela Padavic-Callaghan. Scientific American, August 2020
[PDF] Francesco Corbetta – The Best of All: A Study of His Life and Works - Monica Hall. Self-published, 2020
Music History Re-Strung - Corey Hugh Highberg., September 14, 2020
String Quartets in Beethoven’s Europe - Edited by Nancy November. Academic Studies Press, 2022
Baroque Music Operas, Concertos, Oratorios, Cantatas & More - Hermione Lai. Interlude, October 2022
Felipe Libón, the First Traveling Spanish Virtuoso and His Violin Concerto No. 6 (1812) – A Performance Practice Case Study: I. Poco Allegro - Saya Ikenoya. Royal Conservatory, The Hague, 2023
String Virtuosi in Eighteenth-Century Naples: Culture, Power, and Music Institutions - Guido Olivieri. Cambridge University Press, 2023
Plucked or Bowed?: Two Early String Instruments in the Towers of Saint Sophia in Kiev, Their Characteristics and Cultural Identity - Dorothea Baumann. Belonging, Detachment and the Representation of Musical Identities in Visual Culture, pp. 109-126, Hollitzer Verlag, 2023
[10] String-Making Through History / String Physics
Making Gut Strings - History and technique
[Japanese] [Video] How to Make Gut Strings (Whole Movie) - Toshiya Shinbayashi
[Video] Intangible Cultural Heritage: Making Gut Strings - Lao Yang
[Video] Cured, Hung, and Strung: Check Out How Catgut Strings are Made - WQXR - New York Public Radio
[Video] Standing Waves and Stringed Instruments Simplified - Jon Bergmann
[Wiki] String (Music)
[Wiki] Musical Acoustics
[Wiki] Mersenne’s Laws - Describing the frequency and oscillation of a stretched string
[PDF] Waves and Music - Dr. Jim Hetrick. University of Michigan - Dearborn
Acoustics FAQ - Music Science at the University of New South Wales
Strings, Standing Waves, and Harmonics - Music Science at the University of New South Wales
String Properties, String Excitation, and String Instrument Resonances - HyperPhysics
[Latin] Tractatus Mechanicus Theoricus et Practicus - Marin Mersenne. Antoine Bertier/Paris, 1644
[PDF] Physics of the Violin and Its Defining Influence Upon Technic - Judson Custer, B.M. North Texas State Teachers College, August 1941
[French] Le Catgut, les Ligatures et les Sutures Chirurgicales à Travers les Âges (Catgut, Ligatures and Surgical Sutures Through the Ages) - Dr. A. Fandré. Masson et cie/Paris, 1944
[PDF] The Story of Catgut - Eldred J. Holder, Ph.D., B. Pharm, Ph.C. (Edin.). Post Graduate Medical Journal, September 1949
The Technology of Cordage, Fibers and Rope - David Himmelfarb. Textile Book Publishers/New York, 1957
Strings in the 16th and 17th Centuries - Djilda Abbott & Ephraim Segerman. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 27, pp. 48-73, 1974
Gut Strings - Djilda Abbott & Ephraim Segerman. Early Music, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 430-437, 1976
Historical Background to the Strings used by Catgut-Scrapers - Ephraim Segerman and Djilda Abbott. The Catgut Acoustical Society Newsletter, No. 25, pp. 24-26, 1976
Catline Strings - Ephriam Segerman and Djilda Abbott. Fellowship of Makers and Researchers of Historical Instruments Quarterly, No. 12, July 1978
A Cache of 18th-Century Strings - Albert Cohen. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 36, pp. 37-48, 1983
Giordano Riccati on the Diameters of Strings and Pipes - Patrizio Barbieri. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 38, pp. 20-34, 1985
Acustica Accordatura e Temperamento Nell'Illuminismo Veneto (Acoustics Tuning and the Temperament in the Venetian Enlightenment) - Patrizio Barbieri. Ed. Torre d’Orfeo, 1987
String-Making in 17th-Century Padua: An English Traveller’s Description - Ian Woodfield. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 41, pp. 109-112, 1988
[Video] Exploring Music – Science, Strings, and Symphonies - Charles Taylor. The Royal Institution, 1989
Harp Strings of the Eighteenth and Twentieth Centuries: An Acoustical Comparison - Ian M. Firth and Claire Sykes. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 43, pp. 46-59, 1990
The Making of Gut Strings in 18th-Century Paris - Stephen Bonta. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 52, pp. 376-386, 1999
R. R. Angerstein’s Illustrated Travel Diary, 1753-1755: Industry in England and Wales From a Swedish Perspective - Reinhold Rücker Angerstein (translated by Torsten and Peter Berg). Science Museum/London, 2001
String Theory: How Firms Develop the Latest Strings - Strings Magazine, December 2004
Roman and Neapolitan Gut Strings 1550-1950 - Patrizio Barbieri. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 59, pp. 147-181, 2006
Gut Strings: A Strong Stomach for Strings - The Strad Magazine, August 2011
Gut String Makers in Nineteenth-Century London - Jenny Nex. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 65, pp. 131-160, 2012
Violin Pedagogy and the Physics of the Bowed String - Alexander Rhodes McLeod. University of Toronto, 2014
Physics of Stringed Instruments - Gordon Ramsey and Katarzyna Pomian. 167th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 2014
[PDF] Physics and Psychoacoustics of Plucked-String Instruments - Wiliam H. Roberts. Cardiff University, 2015
[PDF] Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Natural Gut and Synthetic Polymer Harp Strings - Nicolas Lynch-Aird and Jim Woodhouse. MDPI, Materials, Vol. 11, Issue 11, 2018
[PDF] Frequency Measurement of Musical Instrument Strings Using Piezoelectric Transducers - Nicolas Lynch-Aird and Jim Woodhouse. MDPI, Vibration, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2018
[PDF] Choosing Strings for Plucked Musical Instruments - Jim Woodhouse and Nicolas Lynch-Aird. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, Vol. 105, No. 3, pp. 516-529, 2019
[German] [PDF] Meisterleistungen Deutscher Instrumentenbaukunst, Bd. 8: Saitenherstellung in Markneukirchen und im Vogtland (Masterpieces of German Instrument Making, Vol. 8: String Production in Markneukirchen and in the Vogtland) - Kai Köpp, Jane Achtman, Johannes Gebauer (editors). Markneukirchen/Bern, 2019
[Video] George Stoppani: Gut Strings – And All it Entrails… - Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute Conference: Sharpening the Scientific Tools for Violin Making, October 2020
[Video] The Effects of Humidity Changes on Natural Gut Harp Strings - Nicolas Lynch-Aird and Jim Woodhouse. 180th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, June 2021
[PDF] Effects of Twisting and Surface Finish on the Mechanical Properties of Natural Gut Harp Strings - Nicholas Lynch-Aird and Jim Woodhouse. MDPI Materials, Vol. 16, Issue 15, 2023
The Great War, the Little String, and the Transformation of Modern Violin Playing - Mark Katz. Journal of the American Musicological Society, vol. 77, pp. 65-101, 2024
[11] Introduction to Gamut Workshop Instruments
Gamut Guitar and Vihuela Roses
Gamut Renaissance and Baroque Lutes
Gamut Renaissance Guitars and Vihuelas
Gamut Baroque Guitars
Gamut Violins
[12] Gamut Workshop Innovations
3-D Printed Ball Ends - An innovation to secure the string at the tailpiece with ease and elegance
Gamut 3-D Printed Peg Turners - For easier turning and less effort on the hand
Lute strings are now organized by numbered courses.
Vihuela Strings - Now available!
A- and C-Alto Viol Strings - Now available!
Viola d’Amore Strings - Now available!
Pardessus de Viole Strings - Now available!
Cello da Spalla Strings - Now available!
Double Bass 5ths Tuning Strings - Now available!
[13] Building Historical Instruments / Instrument Physics
Building a Baroque Guitar - Gamut Workshop
Violin Setups and Windings - Gamut Workshop
Wood Varieties for Historical Instruments - Gamut Workshop
A Set of Vihuelas: Matching Tone for Polyphonic Music - Gamut Workshop
[Video] Andrew Dipper Shows a Properly Converted Baroque Violin - Givens Violins
[Video] Andrew Dipper On the Evolution of the Violin Bow - Givens Violins
[Video] How to Make a Lute in 2½ Minutes - Martin Shepherd
[Video] (Guitar) Lutherie Demystified - Episodes 1-16 - Garrett Lee, Luthier
Early Music Sources Iconography Database - Early Music Sources
Lute Iconography Database (LuteIDB) - The Lute Society - UK
A Luthier’s Workshop - Stanisław Marduła, PhD. Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca
[French] Le Luth en Nouvelle-France (The Lute in New France) - Prof. Robert Derome. Université du Québec à Montréal
[Croatian] ( - Antun Mrzlečki
List of Collections of Historical Music Instruments - American Musical Instrument Society
Lutherie in the Polish Lands - Alicja Knast. Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca
Lutherie in Europe - Prof. Benjamin Vogel. Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca
Ashmolean Museum Musical Instrument Collection - Oxford University
Cultural Selection: The Evolution in Forms of Lutes and Other Stringed Instruments Along the Silk Roads - UNESCO Silk Roads Programme
The Physics of Musical Instruments - Ethan Winer
[Wiki] Violin Acoustics
Euphonics: The Science of Musical Instruments - Prof. Jim Woodhouse
HyperPhysics: The Violin - HyperPhysics
[Modern French] Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers. Para Une Société de Gens de Lettres. Mis en Order & Publié par M. Diderot, & Quant à la Partie Mathématique, par M. D’Alembert (Encyclopedia, or Reasoned Dictionary of Sciences, Arts and Crafts. For a Society of People of Letters. Put in Order & Published by M. Diderot, & as for the Mathematical Part by M. D’Alembert) - Denis Diderot, M. D’Alembert. Briasson/Paris, c. 1750
History of Musical Instruments - James Tilleard. The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular, Vol. 6, No. 142, pp. 351-353, 1855
On Extending the Compass and Increasing the Tone of Stringed Instruments, With Especial Reference to the Author’s and Mr. Meeson’s Elliptical Tension-Bars - W. H. Stone. Proceedings of the Musical Association, 1st Sess., pp. 1-3, Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1874
On the Function of the Sound-Post and on the Proportional Thickness of the Strings of the Violin - William Huggins. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 35, pp. 241-248, Royal Society, 1883
Violin-Making, As It Was and Is: Being a Historical, Theoretical, and Practical Treatise on the Science and Art of Violin-Making, For the Use of Violin Makers and Players, Amateur and Professional - Edward Heron-Allen. Ward, Lock, & Co./London, 1884
The Double Bass - A. C. White. Proceedings of the Musical Association, 13rd Session, pp. 99-112, Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1886
The Instruments With Sympathetic Strings - T. Lea Southgate. Proceedings of the Musical Association, 42nd Session, pp. 33-50, 1915
Of Defects in Musical Instruments and Their Value - J. A. Fuller-Maitland. The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1920
The Secret of the Italian Violin Makers - Albert Jarosy and Herma E. Fiedler. Music & Letters, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 116-123, Oxford University Press, 1935
Musical Instruments in Fifteenth-Century Netherlands and Italian Art - Valentin Denis. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 2, pp. 32-46, 1949
Fifteenth-Century Instruments in Tinctoris’ De Inventione et Usu Musicae - Anthony Baines. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 19-26, 1950
Musical Instruments in 17th-Century Dutch Paintings - Ian F. Finlay. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 6, pp. 52-69, 1953
The Instruments of the Ashmolean Museum - Thurston Dart. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 7, pp. 7-10, 1954
The Spanish Guitar in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries - Terence Usher. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 9, pp. 5-36, 1956
Provisional Index of Present-Day Makers of Historical Musical Instruments (Non-Keyboard) - Unattributed. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 13, pp. 70-87, 1960
James Talbot’s Manuscript (Christ Church Library Music MS 1187) IV: Plucked Strings – The Lute Family - Michael Prynne. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 14, pp. 52-68, 1961
Lute-Players in Greek Art (Plates XVI, XVII) - R. A. Higgins and R. P. Winnington-Ingram. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 85, pp. 62-71, 1965
Music Performance in a Renaissance Painting - Jo Chrisman and Charles B. Fowler. Music Educators Journal, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 92-98, 1965
The Origins of Bowing and the Development of Bowed Instruments Up to the Thirteenth Century - Werner Bachmann (translated by Norma Deane). Oxford University Press, pp. 81, 1969
An Example of Lute Restoration - Friedemann Hellwig. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 23, pp. 64-68, 1970
Makers’ Marks on Plucked Instruments of the 16th and 17th Centuries - Friedemann Hellwig. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 24, pp. 22-32, 1971
Historical Origin and Stylistic Developments of the Five-String Banjo - Jay Bailey. The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 85, No. 335, pp. 58-65, 1972
Building a 15th-Century Lute - Edward L. Kittick. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 26, pp. 72-83, 1973
Lute Construction in the Renaissance and the Baroque - Friedemann Hellwig. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 27, pp. 21-30, 1974
Lute Construction and Playing - W. G. Williams and Ian Harwood. Early Music, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 177, 179, 181, 183, 185, 1975
On Lute Bridges and Frets - Ephraim Segerman and Djilda Abbott. Early Music, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 295, 1975
The Lute Worldwide–1 - Helen Richmond, Gusta Goldschmidt, Donna Curry and Gerardo V. Huseby. Early Music, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 199, 201, 203, 205, 1975
The Lute Worldwide–2 - Gerardo V. Huseby, Peter Reidemeister and Mirko Caffagni. Early Music, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 387, 389, 391, 1975
Chitarrone, Theorbo and Archlute - Robert Spencer. Early Music, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 408-422, 1976
The Historical Development of the Lute in the 17th Century - Michael Lowe. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 29, pp. 11-25, 1976
Why Are Lute Pegboxes Bent Back? - Djilda Abbott and Ephraim Segerman. Early Music, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 113, 1977
The Second Revolution in the History of the Violin: A Twentieth-Century Phenomenon - Elias Dann. College Music Symposium, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 64-71, College Music Society, 1977
Acoustical Experiments on the Lute Belly - Ian Firth. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 30, pp. 56-63, 1977
String-instrument Making in Medieval England and Some Oxford Harpmakers 1380-1466 - Christopher Page. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 31, pp. 44-67, 1978
Iconography of the Viol: The Soloist in Baroque Portraits - Barbara Coeyman. College Music Symposium, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 136-142, 1980
[PDF] The Physics of Music - Stephen R. Hoon and B.K. Tanner. Physics Education, VOl. 16, 1981
The Paris Vihuela Reconstructed - Maish Weisman. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 35, pp. 68-77, 1982
The Pardessus de Viole and Its Literature - Robert A. Green. Early Music, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 300-307, 1982
Bent Plates in Violin Construction - Athanas Lolov. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 37, pp. 10-15, 1984
The Anglo-Venetian Bassano Family as Instrument Makers and Repairers - David Lasocki. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 38, pp. 112-132, 1985
Shapes of the Baroque: The Historical Development of Bowed String Instruments - William L. Monical. Under the Auspices of The American Federation of Violin and Bow Makers, Inc. New York Public Library & Museum of the Performing Arts, Division of Musical History, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution/Washington, DC, 1989
[PDF] The Physics of Musical Instruments, 1st Ed. - Neville H. Fletcher and Thomas D. Rossing. Springer-Verlag, 1991
Gli Strumenti Musicali Europei del Comune di Bologna (The European Musical Instruments of the Municipality of Bologna) - John Henry van der Meer. Recercare, Vol. 3, pp. 231-257, 1991
The Tieffenbruckers and the Business of Lute-making in Sixteenth-Century Venice - Giulio M. Ongaro. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 44, pp. 46-54, 1991
Physical Modeling of Bowed Strings - James Woodhouse. Computer Music Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 43-56, 1992
Acoustic Guitars and Other Fretted Instruments: A Photographic History - George Gruhn and Walter Carter. GPI Books, 1993
The Name “Tenor Violin” - Ephraim Segerman. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 48, pp. 181-187, 1995
Viol-Bodied Fiddles? - Ephraim Segerman. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 49, pp. 204-206, 1996
The Guitar in Sweden Until the Middle of the 19th Century - Kenneth Sparr. Self-published, 1997
[PDF] The Care of Historic Music Instruments - Edited by Robert L. Barclay. Museums & Galleries Commission, the Canadian Conservation Institute and the International Committee of Musical Instrument Museums and Collections of the International Council of Museums, John S. Cohen Foundation/Edinburgh, 1997
Rattle and Hum: Extraneous Noises and How to Cure Them - Lynn Sayce. Lute News 44, December 1997
Innovation and the Development of the Modern Six-String Guitar - Darryl Martin. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 51, pp. 86-109, 1998
[PDF] The Nonlinear Physics of Musical Instruments - Neville H. Fletcher. Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, 1998
A Short History of the Cittern - Ephraim Segerman. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 52, pp. 77-107, 1999
The Tunings and Sizes of the Viole da Braccio - Ephriam Segerman. The Galpin Society Journal, Vo. 52, pp. 391-393, 1999
Viennese Stringed-Instrument Makers, 1700-1800 - Richard Maunder. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 52, pp. 27-51, 1999
What Old Fiddles Can Teach Us… - Annette Otterstedt and Hans Reiners. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 52, pp. 219-242, 1999
[PDF] Tech Talk - Caring For Musical Instruments: Part 1 - Paul S. Storch. Minnesota History Interpreter, May 2001
[PDF] Tech Talk - Caring For Musical Instruments: Part 2 - Paul S. Storch. Minnesota History Interpreter, June-July 2001
Why Didn’t Historical Makers Need Drawings? Part 1 - Practical Geometry and Proportion - Stephen Birkett and William Jurgenson. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 54, pp. 242-284, 2001
Why Didn’t Historical Makers Need Drawings? Part 2 - Modular Dimensions and the Builder’s Werkzoll - Stephen Birkett and William Jurgenson. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 55, pp. 183-239, 2002
The Cello in Britain: A Technical and Social History - Brenda Neece. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 56, pp. 77-115, 2003
19th-Century Amateur Music Societies in France and the Changes of Instrument Construction: Their Evolution Caught Between Passivity and Progress - Jean-Yves Rauline. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 57, pp. 236-245, 2004
Instrument-making in Oxford - Michael Fleming. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 57, pp. 246-251, 2004
[Amazon] The Violin: Its History and Making - Karl Roy. Self-published, 2006
[PDF] Physics-Based Sound Synthesis of String Instruments Including Geometric Nonlinearities - Balázs Bank, M.Sc.E.E. Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, 2006
The Early Wire-Strung Guitar - Darryl Martin. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 59, pp. 123-137, 2006
Bridge Location on the Early Italian Violin - Greg Dean Petersen. Early Music, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 49-64, 2007
The Violoncello, Viola da Spalla and Viola Pomposa in Theory and Practice - Dmitry Badiarov. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 60, pp. 121-145, 2007
Evidence About the “Lira da Braccio” from Two Seventeenth-Century Violin Sources - Rebecca Cypress. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 60, pp. 147-160, 2007
[PDF] Some Misconceptions About the Baroque Violin - Stewart Pollens. Performance Practice Review, Vol. 14, No. 1, Article 6, 2009
An Assessment of Musicians and Instrument-Makers in Rome During Handel’s Stay: The 1708 Grand Taxation - Patrizio Barbieri. Early Music, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 597-619, 2009
[PDF] The Science of String Instruments - Thomas D. Rossing (editor). Springer Science+Business Media, 2010
[PDF] Acoustic Function of Sound Hold Design in Musical Instruments - Hadi Tavakoli Nia. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2010
The Conservation, Restoration, and Repair of Stringed Instruments and Their Bows, Vol. 1, 2, & 3 - Edited by Tom Wilder. International Pernambuco Conservation Initiative-Canada and Archetype Publications/London, 2011
[English, German] The Lute in Europe 2: Lutes, Guitars, Mandolins, and Citterns - Andreas Schlegel and Joachim Lüdtke. The Lute Comer, 2011
Some Thoughts on the Tuning of the Early Three-String Violin - Stewart Pollens. The Galpin Society, Vol. 64, pp. 61-66, 2011
Materials Innovation in Acoustic Guitars: Challenging the Tonal Superiority of Wood - Owain Pedgley and Eddie Norman. Leonardo Music Journal, Vol. 22, pp. 17-24, 2012
The Viola d’Amore — It’s Heritage Reconsidered - Rachael Durkin. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 66, pp. 139-147, 2013
Musical Instruments Described in a Fourteenth-Century Persian Treatise “Kanz al-tuḥaf” - Gin’Ichi Tsuge. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 66, pp. 165-184, 2013
Instrument Makers’ Inventories: New Information - Michael Fleming. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 66, pp. 235-239, 2013
Evaluating Musical Instruments: Scientific Measurements of Sound Generation - D. Murray Campbell. Physics Today, Vol. 67, Issue 4, April 2014
Ask the Experts: Protecting Your Instrument in Hot and Humid Temperatures - The Strad Magazine, August 2014
[PDF] Sound Radiation Measurements on Guitars and Other Stringed Musical Instruments - Ian Perry. Cardiff University, 2014
Quantum Harmonies: Modern Physics and Music - Paul Halpern. PBS Nova, September 2014
Understanding Viola Size - William Castle. The British Viola Society, February 2015
18th- and 19th-Century Musical Instrument Makers in the Archives: A Personal View - Jenny Nex. Fontes Artis Musicae, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 238-253, International Association of Music Libraries, 2015
Ancient Materials Used in Violinmaking - Nate Tabor, May 2016
World War II and the Rise, Fall, and Resurgence of Violin Making in a Tiny Corner of Germany - Richard Ward. Strings Magazine, November 2016
Five String Violoncello Piccolo — Confusion and Reality in 17th and 18th Century Performance - Nate Tabor, August 2018
How the F-Hole Arose: Soundhole Shapes and Bridge Position on Bowed Instruments Between 1500 and 1800 - Wim Raymaekers. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 71, pp. 35-56, 145-147, 2018
The Quest to Tune the Guitar Bridge, c. 1830-1956 - Charles Pardoe. The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 71, pp. 73-94, 2018
[Video] Jean-Philippe Echard: History of Varnishes - Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute Conference: Sharpening the Scientific Tools for Violin Making, October 2020
[Video] Claudia Fritz: Basic Violin Acoustics - Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute Conference: Sharpening the Scientific Tools for Violin Making, October 2020
[Video] Lei Fu: Exploring the Perception of Violin Qualities – Student- vs. Performance-level Instruments, Strings, and Soundpost Height - Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute Conference: Sharpening the Scientific Tools for Violin Making, October 2020
[Video] Sebastian Gonzalez: Violin Shape Optimization With Finite Elements Modeling and Artificial Intelligence - Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute Conference: Sharpening the Scientific Tools for Violin Making, October 2020
[Video] Colin Gough: Acoustic Characterization in the Workshop - Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute Conference: Sharpening the Scientific Tools for Violin Making, October 2020
[Video] Sarah Lämmlein: Violin Varnishes and Tonewood – Relationships of Vibro-Mechanical and Moisture Sorption Properties - Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute Conference: Sharpening the Scientific Tools for Violin Making, October 2020
[Video] Mirco Pezzoli: Directivity Analysis of the Historical Cremonese Violins - Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute Conference: Sharpening the Scientific Tools for Violin Making, October 2020
[Video] Francesco Piasentini: Industrial X-Ray CT for Violin Makers – A Path to Teleportation - Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute Conference: Sharpening the Scientific Tools for Violin Making, October 2020
[Video] George Stoppani: A Very Basic Introduction to Chemistry for Violin Makers - Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute Conference: Sharpening the Scientific Tools for Violin Making, October 2020
[Video] Romain Viala: Numerical and Experimental Approaches for Instrument Making - Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute Conference: Sharpening the Scientific Tools for Violin Making, October 2020
[Video] Prof. Jim Woodhouse: Investigating the Acoustics of the Banjo - Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute Conference: Sharpening the Scientific Tools for Violin Making, October 2020
Violin Making in Northern Europe in the Time of the Amatis: Part 1 - Benjamin Hebbert. Violin Society of America, October 2020
Violin Making in Northern Europe in the Time of the Amatis: Part 2 - Benjamin Hebbert. Violin Society of America, November 2020
[Video] Prof. Jim Woodhouse: Chasing the Wolf (Note) - Oberlin Acoustics Workshop, August 2021
[Video] George Stoppani: Modes Shapes and Sound Radiating Basis Components – Different Ways of Visualizing Mode Shapes in Violins - Oberlin Acoustics Workshop, September 2021
[Video] Joseph Curtin: Effects of String Tension and Break Angle on the Acoustical Behavior of Violins - VSA-Oberlin Acoustics Seminar, November 2021
[Amazon] The Development of Western European Stringed Instruments - Ephraim Segerman. Peacock Press, 2021
Markneukirchen – The World’s Music Corner - Moses Sedler. Dolce Fine Violins, January 2021
[Video] Lutes Held in the Royal Academy of Music with David Van Edwards - The Lute Society - UK, February 2022
[Video] Joseph Curtin: Deformation and Creep – The Long-Term Effects of String Tension - Oberlin Acoustics Workshop, May 2022
La Basse de Violon: What Was the Basse de Violon in the 17th Century in France? - Blanca Leticia Martín Muñoz. Royal Conservatory, The Hague, 2022
[Video] Prof. Jim Woodhouse: Introduction to the Basic Physics of Stringed Musical Instruments (Part 1-8) - Oberlin Acoustics Workshop, August 2022
The Mathematics, Physics and Biology of Music – Science at Play and Cultures Colliding - Gaurav Krishnan., October 2022
The Connection Between Music and Science - Musical Instrument Museum, October 2022
[Video] Wood Treatments: Joseph Curtin, Paul Noulet, Don Noon, and George Stoppani - Oberlin Acoustics Workshop, April 2023
[Video] Sebastian Gonzalez: Musical Instrument Design – From Art to Science - Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute Conference: Overcoming Challenges in Musical Instrument Design with Computer Simulations, AI, and Metamaterials, April 2023
[Video] Andy Piacsek: Measuring Resonances of Violins and Skulls – Looking for Small Variations - Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute Séminaires, October 2023
Musical Instruments on the Title Pages of 16th and 17th-Century Music - Maureen Buja. Interlude, October 2023
[Video] Bass Bar Experiment – Part 1: Joseph Curtin and Mary Jane Kwan - Oberlin Acoustics Workshop, November 2023
[Video] Bass Bar Experiment – Part 2: Joseph Curtin, George Stoppani, and Colin Gouch - Oberlin Acoustics Workshop, January 2024
[Video] Prof. Jim Woodhouse: Understanding the Properties of Wood - Oberlin Acoustics Workshop, January 2024
The Pernambuco Wood Dilemma: A Call for Global Responsibility and Unity - The Strad, April 2024
Dan McCarthy – A Deep Dive Into Early Music Equipment - Strings Magazine, July-August 2023
[14] Gamut Recordings & Friends
Les Larmes of Johannes Fresneau: Dutch Baroque Lute Music - Edward Martin [Streaming] [CD] [Digital Download]
[Review] Les Larmes of Johannes Fresneau: Dutch Baroque Lute Music - Edward Martin - Anna F. Porcaro
Psyché: The French Weiss - Benjamin Narvey [CD]
Ornythology: Bird and Friends - Venere Lute Quartet [Streaming] [CD]
Courante: French Baroque Lute Duets - Edward Martin & Thomas Walker [CD] [MP3] [WAV]
Canto y Danza: Songs and Dances of Renaissance Spain - Chambure Vihuela Quartet with Carrie Henneman Shaw [CD] [MP3]
The Vihuela Duets of Enriquez de Valderrabano - Duo Chambure: Edward Martin & Philip Rukavina [Streaming]
Lute Songs of Virtues & Vices - William Bastian & Edward Martin [Streaming]
Iki: Gaultier, Du Fault, Fresnau, Mouton - French Baroque Lute Music - Toyohiko Satoh [Streaming]
Allemande - Edward Martin [Streaming]
Luis Milan: El Maestro - Edward Martin [Streaming]
Baroque Lute Duets - Edward Martin & Paul Berget [Streaming]
Art of the Lute in Renaissance France - Edward Martin & Paul Berget [Streaming]
“Canaries” by Vieux Gaultier - Edward Martin & Thomas Walker [Streaming]
“Chaconne in A Major” by Vieux Gaultier, Counterpartie by Tyler Kaiser - Edward Martin & Thomas Walker [Streaming]
“Chaconne in G Major” by Charles Mouton - Edward Martin & Thomas Walker [Streaming]
“Chaconne in G Major” by Robert de Visée - Toyohiko Satoh [Streaming]
“Allemande in E Minor” by Adam Franz Ginter - Toyohiko Satoh [Streaming]
[15] Miscellaneous
David Van Edwards Baroque Lute Class - Gamut Workshop, September, 2014
[Podcast] Dan Larson on The Violin Chronicles Podcast with Linda Lespets - Starts at 17:00
[Video] Making It Up North: Luthier Dan Larson & Gamut Strings - PBS • WDSE/WRPT
[Video] Making It Up North: Making It Musical - Dan Larson & Gamut Music - PBS • WDSE/WRPT
[Video] First Jobs: Dan Larson of Gamut Music - PBS • WDSE/WRPT
[Video] Baroque Lute with Edward Martin - PBS • WDSE/WRPT
[Video] Brandon Acker Interviews Nigel North: A Lute Legend - Brandon Acker
[Video] Tricolore Violin Strings Review - Eric Mrugala Violin
[Video] Interview with Andrew Baker – Leatherwood Bespoke Rosins - Violin Podcast
[Video] Connecting to Collections Care: Care of Musical Instruments - Foundation for Advancement in Conservation
[Video] Jascha Heifetz Remembered – Interview With Karen Khachaturian, Composer - Daniel Kurganov
[French] [Video] L’RTF Invite Jascha Heifetz - Radiodiffusion-Télévision Française
[Video] Heifetz Master Class Series at the University of Southern California 1962 - Volume 1-8 - The Criterion Channel
[Video] Pay Tribute to Jascha Heifetz: Films from the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s
Directory of Historic Black Composers -
The Ultimate List of Female Composers - Heather Fetrow
Every Single Note Heifetz Played Was Better Than Any He’d Ever Play - James Ehnes
Violin & Violinists - The Occasional Magazine of Benjamin Hebbert
Perfection Musical String Company: Factory With Only 4 Customers Produces Fine Toned Violin Strings for Musical Thrills - The Hammond Times, January 25, 1940
Music: Elaekoeoen! - Time Magazine, November 9, 1942
Music: Not According to Hoyl - Time Magazine, October 21, 1946
Jascha Heifetz Is Dead at 86; A Virtuoso Since Childhood - Harold Schonberg. The New York Times, December 12, 1987
[Audio] Tribute to Jascha Heifetz - Fresh Air With Terry Gross, WHYY, December 15, 1987
Jascha Heifetz: A Mentor Remembered - Donna Perlmutter. Los Angeles Times, May 8, 1988
The Fiddler King – Jascha Heifetz - The Guardian, April 18, 2001
Heifetz at 100: Both Thrilling and Chilling - David Schoenbaum. The New York Times, December 23, 2001
Jost Amman – Der Lautenmacher (The Lute Maker) - Kenneth Sparr. Self-published, 2003
The Heifetz War Years - John and John Anthony Maltese. The Strad Magazine, December 2005
[Audio] Heifetz and Kreisler: Setting Standards for the Violin - Morning Edition, NPR, February 2, 2007
[PDF] Investigating Performer Uniqueness: The Case of Jascha Heifetz - Dario Sarlo. Goldsmiths, University of London, June 2010
Who Were the Early Female Violinists? - Tully Potter. The Strad Magazine, March 2014
The Performance Style of Jascha Heifetz - Dario Sarlo. Routledge, 2016
[Video] Highlights from the 2015 Jascha Heifetz Symposium - Jascha Heifetz Symposium, 2015
Jascha Heifetz Biography and Timeline - American Masters, PBS, March 25, 2015
[Video] Jascha Heifetz: God’s Fiddler - American Masters, PBS, April 16, 2015
[Video] Highlights from the 2016 Jascha Heifetz Symposium - Jascha Heifetz Symposium, 2016
Itzhak Perlman on His Violin Heroes - Ariane Todes. Elbow Music, August 31, 2016
[Video] Hightlights from the 2017 Jascha Heifetz Symposium - Jascha Heifetz Symposium, 2017
[Audio] “Like Electricity”: Jascha Heifetz Made His American Debut 100 Years Ago - Deceptive Cadence / Morning Edition, NPR, October 24, 2017
[Video] Amherst Early Music Festival Exhibition 2020 - Gamut Music
[PDF] Black and Brown Composers in Latin America: An Introduction to the Repertoire and Resources - Maria Romero Ramos and Henry Lebedinsky. June 29, 2020
[Video] Peter Croton: Lute Pedagogy in the 21st Century - The Lute Society - UK, September 2020
Dutch Baroque Lute Concert at the 2021 Boston Early Music Festival - Edward Martin
Medieval Animal Musicians: Cats - Maureen Buja. Interlude, November 2022
Medieval Animal Musicians: Rabbits - Maureen Buja. Interlude, November 2022
Medieval Animal Musicians: Monkeys - Maureen Buja. Interlude, December 2022
Jascha Heifetz in the Case of the Violinist and the Fanatical Doorman - Sarah Weinman. The New York Times, April 10, 2023
Cellos for Trees: Cellists Worldwide Unite to Help Change the World - The Cello Museum, June 2023
[Video] Female Lutenists in Art, In Allegory… and In Actual Life By Sara Salloum - The Lute Society - UK, November 2023
[Video] Celebrating Jascha Heifetz – A Birthday Tribute Live From the Heifetz Studio at The Colburn School - Colburn Conservatory of Music, February 2, 2024
How the Jascha Heifetz Studio Found Its Home at Colburn - Anne Ericksen, Colburn School, February 2024
[Video] Women and the Lute with Matthew Spring - The Lute Society - UK, February 2024
Bridging Connections Through Ukrainian Cello Music - The Cello Museum, March 2024
Slip Sliding Away, or Those bothersome Pegs - The Cello Museum, April 2024
How Seattle’s Early Music Scene Can Expand Your Understanding of Music - The Seattle Times, October 2024
[16] Organizations
[Spanish] Asociación Argentina de Laúdes y Guitarras Antiguas
[Dutch, French] De Belgische Luitacademie
[Czech] Česká Loutnová Společnost
[German] Deutsche Lautengesellschaft
Federation of Guitar Societies - UK and Ireland
The Fellowship of Makers and Researchers of Historical Instruments
[English, French] Festival Internationnal de Musique Baroque de Lamèque
Heifetz International Music Institute at Mary Baldwin University
[English, French, German, Italian] International Society of Violin and Bow Makers
[Japanese] 日本リュート協会
Jascha Heifetz - Official Website
[Dutch] Nederlandse Luitvereniging
[German] Österreichische Lautengesellschaft
Rachel Barton Pine Foundation - Services and funding for classical music education, research, performances, and artists
San Francisco Early Music Society Berkeley Festival & Exhibition
[Spanish] Sociedad de la Vihuela
[Italian] Società del Liuto
[French] Société Française de Luth
[Swedish] Svenska Gitarr och Lutasällskapet
[17] Publications
American Lutherie - Journal of the Guild of American Luthiers
College Music Symposium - The College Music Society
Early Music - Oxford University Press
EMAg - The Magazine of Early Music America
Gamut - Online Journal of the Music Theory Society of the Mid-Atlantic
Guitarmaker Magazine - Journal of Fretted Instrument Construction & Repair
The Journal of Musicology - University of California Press
Journal of the Royal Musical Association - Cambridge University Press
The Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music - Published by the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music
Music & Letters - Oxford University Press
Music Educators Journal - National Association for Music Education
Orfeo Magazine [English, French, Spanish] - Dedicated to the classical guitar, guitar makers, and its cultural milieu
Performance Practice Review - Claremont Colleges Library
Savart Journal: Science & Technology of Stringed Musical Instruments - Guild of American Luthiers
Soundboard Scholar - Published by the Guitar Foundation of America
Hand-made in the USA by Gamut Music, Inc., a leader in the revival of early music strings and instruments. Gut strings are not intended to be used with fine tuners or string adjusters, and those devices should be removed before installing the gut string on the instrument.
All Gamut Academie strings (pure gut and gut/metal-wound) are made with beef serosa unless they specifically say "Sheep Gut." All pure gut Tricolore violin and viola strings are made with sheep gut; gut/metal-wound Tricolore and all Red Diamond strings are made with beef serosa.
Gamut gut string gauges are approximate (≈) diameter. Meaning, that while a ≈0.60mm string is polished in the workshop to a diameter of 0.60mm, changes in ambient humidity, temperature, shipping, and storage conditions can cause to string to expand or contract slightly.
Gimped gut strings and custom gauged equal tension strings are gauged with the equivalent-gauge (=) system. This means that the gauge listed, such as =1.50mm, indicates that the string is approximately equal in weight to a plain gut string of that diameter. Of course, because the wire is much heavier than gut, the string will be much thinner than a plain gut string.
More information about Gamut gut strings, string types, gauges, and string tensions can be found on our FAQ/Articles page. Not finding an answer to your question? Please contact us directly:
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