[5] Gamut String Types

  • Academie Strings - Sheep and beef gut strings designed for historical performance practice (a=415)

  • Tricolore Strings - Violin and viola gut strings for modern performance practice (a=440)

  • Red Diamond Bass Strings - Gut double bass strings for modern performance (a=440)

  • Sheep Gut - Treble gut for high and mid-range strings of most small instruments

  • Treble Gut - Another variety of treble gut made from cattle which has a higher tensile strength than does sheep gut

  • Lyon Gut - Top strings on larger instruments like cellos and basses, mid-range and low strings on other instruments

  • Pistoy Gut - Mid-range and low strings on most instruments

  • Wound Strings - Low strings with copper, silver, copper/silver, or silverplate on most instruments

  • Gimped Gut - Mid-range and low strings on most instruments

  • Diapason Gut - Long lengths of gut for archlutes, theorbos, lautenwercks, etc.

  • Fret Gut - Made of beef serosa for tying frets onto historical instruments, such as lutes and viols

  • Tail Gut - Made of beef serosa used to attach the tailpiece onto the instruments of the violin family and some viols

  • Double-Length Strings - Two usable string lengths for the Violin e-1 and a-2, Viola a-1, and Treble Viol d-1 and a-2

  • Nylon Strings - DuPont Tynex® 612 nylon strings perfectly rectified with a high polish

  • Custom Gauged Strings - String gauges that extend beyond our standard Light to Heavy+ offerings

[6] Gamut String Options

[8] Playing Natural Gut Strings

[9] Introduction to Early Music / Historically Informed Performance Practice

[10] String-Making Through History / String Physics

[12] Gamut Workshop Innovations

[13] Building Historical Instruments / Instrument Physics

[14] Gamut Recordings & Friends

  • Les Larmes of Johannes Fresneau: Dutch Baroque Lute Music - Edward Martin [Streaming] [CD] [Digital Download]

  • Psyché: The French Weiss - Benjamin Narvey [CD]

  • Ornythology: Bird and Friends - Venere Lute Quartet [Streaming] [CD]

  • Courante: French Baroque Lute Duets - Edward Martin & Thomas Walker [CD] [MP3] [WAV]

  • Canto y Danza: Songs and Dances of Renaissance Spain - Chambure Vihuela Quartet with Carrie Henneman Shaw [CD] [MP3]

  • The Vihuela Duets of Enriquez de Valderrabano - Duo Chambure: Edward Martin & Philip Rukavina [Streaming]

  • La Superbe - Thomas Walker [Streaming] [CD] [MP3]

  • Lute Songs of Virtues & Vices - William Bastian & Edward Martin [Streaming]

  • Iki: Gaultier, Du Fault, Fresnau, Mouton - French Baroque Lute Music - Toyohiko Satoh [Streaming]

  • Allemande - Edward Martin [Streaming]

  • Luis Milan: El Maestro - Edward Martin [Streaming]

  • Baroque Lute Duets - Edward Martin & Paul Berget [Streaming]

  • Art of the Lute in Renaissance France - Edward Martin & Paul Berget [Streaming]

  • “Canaries” by Vieux Gaultier - Edward Martin & Thomas Walker [Streaming]

  • “Chaconne in A Major” by Vieux Gaultier, Counterpartie by Tyler Kaiser - Edward Martin & Thomas Walker [Streaming]

  • “Chaconne in G Major” by Charles Mouton - Edward Martin & Thomas Walker [Streaming]

  • “Chaconne in G Major” by Robert de Visée - Toyohiko Satoh [Streaming]

  • “Allemande in E Minor” by Adam Franz Ginter - Toyohiko Satoh [Streaming]

[15] Miscellaneous

[16] Organizations

[17] Publications


Hand-made in the USA by Gamut Music, Inc., a leader in the revival of early music strings and instruments. Gut strings are not intended to be used with fine tuners or string adjusters, and those devices should be removed before installing the gut string on the instrument.

All Gamut Academie strings (pure gut and gut/metal-wound) are made with beef serosa unless they specifically say "Sheep Gut." All pure gut Tricolore violin and viola strings are made with sheep gut; gut/metal-wound Tricolore and all Red Diamond strings are made with beef serosa.

Gamut gut string gauges are approximate (≈) diameter. Meaning, that while a ≈0.60mm string is polished in the workshop to a diameter of 0.60mm, changes in ambient humidity, temperature, shipping, and storage conditions can cause to string to expand or contract slightly.

Gimped gut strings and custom gauged equal tension strings are gauged with the equivalent-gauge (=) system. This means that the gauge listed, such as =1.50mm, indicates that the string is approximately equal in weight to a plain gut string of that diameter. Of course, because the wire is much heavier than gut, the string will be much thinner than a plain gut string.

More information about Gamut gut strings, string types, gauges, and string tensions can be found on our FAQ/Articles page. Not finding an answer to your question? Please contact us directly: support@gamutmusic.com.

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