Toyohiko Satoh

Toyohiko Satoh is one of the most important lute players of the twentieth century and we are pleased and gratified that he chose to use Gamut strings to string his instrument for this recording.

The instrument Toyohiko uses was made by Laurentius Greiff in 1610 and is one of the few original lutes heard on recordings today. For the strings, Toyohiko has chosen to use authentic all-gut strings featuring both Lyon and Pistoy style strings for the fundamental basses. A rich, full and expressive tone is the result which is enhanced by the 500 year old wood in this unique instrument.

The music featured in this recording was composed by Robert De Visée who was the guitar teacher to the King Luis XIV. De Visée is considered to be the last great lute composer in France and the music on this recording represents the culmination of the French lute school. Toyohiko plays the pieces with a mastery that can only come from the decades of practice and study such as his dedication to the lute. This recording represents the best music of the French Baroque lute played by one of the best lutenists of the 21st century and everyone interested in lutes should own a copy.

The recording is available from the Carpe Diem web site at: and also in the USA from Amazon where it is available on a disc and as a .MP3 download. It is also available from the iTunes store and, no doubt, other web sites, as well. However, you will want to have the program notes to read to fully understand the importance of this music and the recording.