Nylon Winding for Academie Contrabass Strings

We released the Red Diamond strings a few months ago and there has been a terrific response to the construction. Due to the popularity of the Red Diamond wound G-1 and D-2 strings, we have decided to add this option to the regular Academie line of bass strings.

Lyon gut wound with nylon.

Lyon Gut Wound With Nylon

This nylon makes the strings more durable, especially if you live in a high humidity environment or have an acidic perspiration. The nylon covering creates a protective layer that stops the gut fibers from becoming loose, causing the gut to break down and become false. This treatment will add some extra life to the string.

The Nylon is wound onto the Lyon gut of the G-1 and D-2 strings creating a transparent layer of protection to the gut. There is no need to oil the strings, making them a trouble-free way to have reliable and dependable strings on your instrument.

Go to the Academie Contrabass D-2 string page through this link.

Go to the Academie Contrabass G-1 string page through this link.

Detail of the nylon wound Lyon gut.

Detail of the Nylon Wound Lyon Gut

Posted on February 13, 2017 .